Billboard Texture Repeat


Im new to unity and have created a billboard texture of some grass. I have this as a prefab and wondered is there a fast method of repeating this around an object (repeat) e.g. around a cube? all i know how to do is copy and paste it but its will take ages.

Billboard grass example

Example of repeating around a block (how i want it to roughly look)
im aware that the example image doesnt use the billboard method, just for reference.

Any advice would be great!


Some helpful links

I have taken a look and i was just wondering about mobile support. I didnt mention that i am using this for mobile and would not be good on performance. The 3D Scater system is not good for mobile and doesnt support multiple axis so not ideal for a cube. Any other ideas?

I would suggest a small script that could place those billboards, (either 1 billboard per vertex, or on a low poly cube, a billboard per every x unity units.
Shouldn’t be hard at all to write.