Billboard (View) particle effects rendered incorrectly in right eye [SteamVR]

In b21 & b22 I am seeing an issue with the billboard particle effects (set to view mode). The issue is that the right eye is not rendering them correctly, but the left eye is. Here is a screenshot showing the issue.

This was not present in b20. I have filed a bug report for b21 and now b22 as well.

I am seeing a similar thing with particles in b21, yet it renders OK if I disable shadows for diffused lighting. Can you please check if that is the same for you.

Are you disabling all shadows in Quality Settings or per light?

Can you post the bug number? Thanks

@richardkettlewell Sure, its case 807558, and another one is 806157. I did two, one for b21 and one for b22.

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Initially I just turned off shadows on the directional light.

Once I figured out that shadows were the issue I switched to the Valve Renderer and disabled shadows globally, as the Valve render can then manage the shadows, so that is my current work around.

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I am going to continue using b20 as that is working for me. But I am hoping that when 5.4 ships it will be fixed.