I followed an example from Unity Manual on how to bind a list to a listview. But here are my problems:
When I moved item creation from UXML to code binding to toggle element no longer works.
When I try to follow the same logic when binding property to MultiColumnListView it does not work at all.
I would appreciate any help, especially with the cell binding for MultiColumnListView. I’m testing it in Unity 2022.2
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "UIToolkitExamples/GameSwitchList")]
public class GameSwitchListAsset : ScriptableObject
public List<Person> people;
public void Reset()
people = new()
new() { name = "P1", age = 1, graduated = true },
new() { name = "P2", age = 2, graduated = false },
new() { name = "P3", age = 3, graduated = true },
public struct Person
public string name;
public int age;
public bool graduated;
public class GameSwitchListEditor : Editor
public override VisualElement CreateInspectorGUI()
var root = new VisualElement();
var list = CreateList();
var multiColumnListView = CreateMultiColumnList();
return root;
private static ListView CreateList()
var listView = new ListView();
listView.showBorder = true;
listView.reorderable = true;
listView.showFoldoutHeader = true;
listView.headerTitle = "People";
listView.bindingPath = nameof(GameSwitchListAsset.people);
listView.makeItem = () =>
var container = new VisualElement();
container.style.flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row;
container.Add(new Toggle
bindingPath = nameof(Person.graduated)
container.Add(new TextField
bindingPath = nameof(Person.name)
container.Add(new IntegerField
bindingPath = nameof(Person.age)
return container;
return listView;
private MultiColumnListView CreateMultiColumnList()
var multiColumnListView = new MultiColumnListView();
multiColumnListView.showBorder = true;
multiColumnListView.reorderable = true;
multiColumnListView.showFoldoutHeader = true;
multiColumnListView.headerTitle = "People";
multiColumnListView.bindingPath = nameof(GameSwitchListAsset.people);
multiColumnListView.columns.Add(new Column
title = "Enabled",
stretchable = true,
makeCell = () => new Toggle
bindingPath = nameof(Person.graduated)
multiColumnListView.columns.Add(new Column
title = "Name",
stretchable = true,
makeCell = () => new Label
bindingPath = nameof(Person.name)
return multiColumnListView;