I have a Timline using references in other scenes. In the very same Timeline I have a clip that pause the Timeline, load the required scene and set the bindings and then resume the Timeline. I can see that the bindings are indeed correctly set when the Timeline switch back to “play” but the tracks who are concerned by those bindings do nothing. After the Timeline complete, if I replay it, then everythings works as expected.
Is that normal ? Is it not possible to resolve bindings at runtime while the Timeline is playing ?
Hi @Kiupe ,
As mentioned in other threads, Timeline doesn’t support cross scene reference. But, It is something on our roadmap. There are good workaround solution especially in this thread.
I already resolved cross scene references - that’s not really my issue here. Actually I could have the same issue working with one scene only. The issues is that using “SetGenericBinding” when the Timeline is already playing does set the binding but the track then do not nothing untile the Timeline is ended and then replayed.