Bindless API support?

Is exposing bindless techniques on the radar at all?

I’m not necessarily asking about making the Unity renderer(s) bindless, more about adding support for setting arrays of textures and buffers in Graphics/Material and MaterialPropertyBlock API’s

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Hi Bindless is a regular discussion internally but no decision have been made due to the large number of platform supported by Unity. This can evolve in the future.

I don’t understand what exactly is the problem here? Raytracing API is not supported on all platforms either, we also already have APIs like SetRandomWriteTargets which are not supported everywhere and are a bit clunky, but still really powerful and useful. It’s hard to take your “platform support” logic as consistent

Would it really be much of a problem to make CommandBuffer.SetBindlessTextureArray or something, that would support only Dx12 but then support for other platforms could be added? I’m saying this because you native plugins can not really help you currently so any support would really be appreciated. I can’t see having modern terrain system without bindless as most solutions require dynamic indexing (See FarCry5, CoD Cold War or Witcher 3). Texture2D Arrays are very limiting in this regard

I understand, thanks for the response! Ill be eagerly awaiting it :slight_smile:

Any updates here?


Also still looking for this! Anywhere we can suggest it?

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