Biotopia 3D: Open world role playing sandbox game -please try for free and gimme feedback!


we are a two People hobby-game-developer Team.
I am the developer, my friend is the GFX and Music Artist.

Our first unity game “Biotopia 3D” is playable and in an early access state - for free!
Not everything is completly finished but it is playable and most parts work good (except for especially monster / npc ai).

We are using various assets like Enviro and some shaders, UMA for human NPC and Player, some bought Monster assets.
If we earn some Money with the optional Support license we will buy a unity license and a PS4 developer set maybe or just some more cool assets.
Occulus support is in Progress (I only have a dk2 developer occulus maybe someone can test with a real one?)
And we Need more voice acting. If somebody wants to hear his voice in our game he may speak a character for us… :slight_smile:
It would be nice to get some Feedback before going public. Also hints how to get public are welcome.

The game is a mixture of of Minecraft-like sandbox game with procedural worlds, but more to explore and old School RPG Elements, like quests, npcs, Monsters and a storyline.

It allows one Player to take his stuff and his skills and start in a new world if he does not like his current one. Each world is procedural and unique, but has some Elements like Bioms, small and large Buildings and dungeons, but it is in another place and somehow different for each world created. The Player can start the storyline in one world and continue it in another world and finish it again in a brandnew world… :slight_smile:

Link to game page:

The latest direct download link is at the very end of this thread or on the indiedb Website.

Hmmm Will Try This

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New Version online 0.8.65, same link (still early Access, playable and free):

Feedback would be nice :slight_smile:

Added fishes and some new Awards. Improved fighting.
Version 0.8.70 (sorry but does not work with previous savegames):

latest video Clip with Intro, Tutorial and a first excursion of the early Access version:

Feedback very welcome!


there has been a lot of changes and somes updates passed.

Now we are at Version 0.9.00.

The tutorial has changed a lot, many improvements and bug fixes.
It is free with optional licenses for People who like to Support us.

It would be great to get some feedback / critics, especially:

  • Is the tutorial understandable, well made and does it help to get into the game?
  • Do you like the idea of the game, the look of the game?
  • What is the most annoying bug or missing Feature?

Thanks a lot. Please try it and leave us a comment :slight_smile:

I am thinking about releasing it on Steam / early Access after some more changes…

Version 0.9.01 is online.

Monster are more aggressive now, there are 3 Arenas now to fight in.
Many bugfixes again and small usability improvements.

The main storyline is not finished yet, some minor Features are still missing,
but I blieve it is playable now. :slight_smile:

Some Feedback would be great!

Download and Play free:

And another update is online, meanwhile it is Version 0.9.05.
It fixes a Problem with the installer. The Monsters got new behaviors for fighting.
Some minor Bugs fixed again.

Please try and tell me how you like and what has to be changed or improved next time… :slight_smile:

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This is a huge update (0.9.06).
The game now sends your players name and score and important journal entries to our server.
If you do not want that, you can turn it off in Options.
The monsters have been improved, some can cast a first spell now.
The arcade mode can now be played to improve your character or find better armor, items etc.
It is not finished yet but can be tested. Your player can switch to arcade everytime and also back to your biotopia world.
The Player can start as many worlds or arcade levels as you like and each will be different :mrgreen:

Please tell us how you like it!

A video of the latest build would be nice in order to give better feedback. I don’t install random .exe and also do not run Windows natively.

One observation, they say first impressions are the most important. Given that, I would get rid of the orc in the first screen up top. It reminds me of one of those stress dolls.

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The orc will stay, he is one of the two narrators /hosts :slight_smile:
But yes, a new trailer is due and will be done soon.

I currently cannot build UWP but this is planned for the future. So it will stay a "random .exe for the next time but I guess the same is for most games around :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback! New update later this week and I will try to get time for a new Trailer, too…

The new update is here!
It is 0.9.07 :mrgreen:
There is a new depth of field effect and there are new online Features, both can be turned off.
And there has been a lot of changes for better Usability and gameplay.
Test it and tell us how you like it :slight_smile:

Maybe I find some time to do a new video next couple of days…

meanwhile the latest one is Version 0.9.10:
Fighting enhanced a lot,
new weapons with cool special effects on magical weapons.
Some bugs fixed.

2 new Video Clips, the turorial a(real footage) and the intro:

This is the new Trailer:

We now closed our Homepages. You can download it from indiedb and Play the eraly Access for free, Feedback would be welcome!

Play biotopia! it is unique and everytime surprises you with something new!
The Features: V0.9.16:

  • each time you start a new game a new random generated world awaits you! you can keep your player with it’s progress and stuff and start a completly new world whenever you like
  • dig the ground and build, remove or terraform how you like it
  • craft everything from building blocks to weapons and armor
  • cook tasty meals
  • create powerful potions
  • create your own magic spells
  • enhance your weapons or armor with magic power
  • fight monsters with melee or range weapons and magic spells
  • talk to people, trade and fulfill quests
  • follow the main story and find secrets beneath it
  • fight lots of different monsters from spiders to gargoyles and dragons
  • hunt lots of different animals
  • dress your character with lots of clothing and armor pieces
  • solve puzzles or just ignore (or smash) them
  • discover lots of dungeons, ancient ruins and buildings
  • level up your character and gain new abilities
  • levelup your furball, your neat little sidekick
  • win awards
  • if you like it, buy a license for 10€ to support us making improvements and add more stuff
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Biotopia 3D Free playable early access V 0.9.17

New in this Version:
Enhanced Gameplay, especially running in Windows Fullscreen.
New Cursor. Enhanced Fighting and fixed a Sound bug.

This Version is full playable. Please tell us how you like it :slight_smile:

Can’t seem to follow link to game. Could you send me a new link?

Just uploaded the latest update:

Thanks for your interest :slight_smile:

Is this still available for testing? I am looking to start a YouTube channel regarding game testing and would love to test

Yes of Course. We are in a full playable early Access state with some Things missing, but you shouldn’t realize this too much.
We are looking for more Feedback to find out what should be improved next and new Features to Add next.
If People like it, we want to Add more and more stuff…

GamerMaster already gave me some Feedback for Things to improve, Thanks :slight_smile:

More Feedback would be great!

You Need at least 8 gb of ram, and a good graphic Card like GTX 960 or 1050 and above for full hd would be good.


Links set to the actual new home in the top first post.
There will be a new Version available soon.