Biplane - Wings of Raccoon

Biplane in the App Store

We already posted it in the new apps thread, but Simon had a question about the water effect so I thought I’d move the discussion over here:

We implemented realtime raytracing of course, how else would you do it?
ok, ok, it is just the old trick of using mirrored geometry with a blue texture :slight_smile:

Brilliant!! You guys are awesome – keep this great stuff coming and best of luck with sales!

Cool - looks damn polished! Good job and good luck

Great work! the trailer looks very impressive

I’ve just started work on a flight model using phys-x … its proving to be more complicated than I first thought! hehe…


Nice, I looked @ the trailer now this is one reason I should get my iphone sooner (when they maybe release for 99 dollars over the summer). Good Work! for the water effects such as the splash thing you use ray casting to determine where you are then use a particle effect?

Wow! Very polished. Beautiful design and fun to play. Love the music, too. Price is right (considering the App Store market).

Would you mind sharing how you do your skybox? I haven’t played with skyboxes in a while - I couldn’t get rid of the seams so I put them to the side for while (apologies if this has been discussed and solve already, but your sky just looks fantastic so I had to ask).

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Very nice,

bought and installed ! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the great comments.

Yep, for water effects we do a ray cast to find the distance between the plane and water. If the plane is close enough a splash particle effect is turned on.

well, if you ask so nicely :smile:

We are using a sky cylinder, actually, and just wrap a single panoramic image around it. The image fades to a solid color at the top (never really visible) and bottom, that way we don’t have to worry about the seams for the caps.

etoiles, this is so AWESOME !!! 8)

Genius. Again, nice work and very fun game.


Looks beautiful, really. Very nice.

To stop the horizon looking so bad, do you use some kind of fading trick on the water, or is it just using fog to blue and a sky box that seems to be unaffected by fog?

Really, everything fits perfectly and it looks like a lot of fun. Great work!

Thats an awesome game, I love it.

Can I add a suggestion for the update, maybe stick some trails on the wingtips when using speed boost :slight_smile:

Congrats on the great games, I think it will do well.


EDIT: Ohh sorry some more after not being able to stop playing it :slight_smile:

Some kind of 180 manoeuvre
Online leaderboards please I want to know how awesome I am at it :wink:

And I’m not sure how to pick up crates :sweat_smile:

I love the feel of the flying.

Reminds me of the Snoopy vs the Red Baron game for the PSP (great game if you haven’t played it - one of my favorite PSP titles).

I bought this without realising it was you, etoiles! XD Then I spotted the raccoon, and things started to make sense.

This is wonderful! It’s a very clean implementation and a great use of the tilt feature. I just wish that there was an option to make the tilt more sensitive. I feel like I’m turning the iphone much more than I would like. Some smoke trail would also help to emphasise the movement when turning.

Brilliant work, very impressive, and it works even better on the iphone that Downhill Bowling.

@psychicparrot: no fog used, it is pretty low tech… just using a blending mode material on the water and adjusting colors on the water/sky texture.

@kinl: to pick up crates, you just ‘brush’ them with the bottom of the plane… it takes a bit of practice to pick the balloon ones up, but if they fall down you can always pick them up from the water.

@cheezorg: I never played it, but I saw some screenshots… and I created the light tower before seeing it in the Snoopy game, I sweat! On touch arcade, somebody posted a link to Wii Sports: Airplane… which I had never seen before, and it looks just like our game :shock: (or the other way around :smile: ). I guess everything has been done before, but this is starting to freak me out…

@dock: :smile: yes, our use of raccoons is beyond subtle at this point.

This is a very nice biPlane Game… I am jealous.

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