
Last saturday was my fifteenth birthday. Now I’m loaded with money and can buy Unity pretty soon! And better yet, now I get a free upgrade to 2.0? Great birthday present OTEE! I’ll be back in a week or so.


Happy Birthday :slight_smile:
Sheesh… I am feeling old !

Rats. Another brilliant 15 year old like Yoggy and bronxbomber92 to show us old non-programmers up.

Happy birthday! :smile:

Happy Birthday! Welcome to the Club :lol:

Happy birthday Moldorma! We’re all looking forward to what you make!

Don’t forget Daniel, and I dare say he’s a bit younger than 15… :shock:

Kids these days… Sheesh. :smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Birthday!

hey happy b-day! and woot! another day closer to unity. what a great present :smile:

Happy birthday!

I feel jealous… 15 years old and all a Unity world for himself ??

Im 26 and about 8 years trying to get into this world in a country where you can found no opportunities related to this!!

Well… a little crying for myself

…now i feel better!

Happy birthday btw


Thanks for reminding me (must’ve slipped in my old age) Next thing you know my 9 year old (gifted) son will be on the forums answering my Javascript questions. That’s why I distracted him with Scratch from MIT.

Happy birthday and congrats on your new present!


Happy Birthday!

(Only a bit late…)

hey happy b-day!

(i wish i had unity at 15 ; )

Heh, yeah. Don’t we all?


Go Moldorma!


My Mum gave me a 186 when I was 21. She origionally brought it for $2500. Madness. Now My (Step?)son is modelling with wings and is about to unwrapp his first UV map. He’s 10.

Good Jon Moldorma, you’ll dig the Unity way of life…

jeez I’m feeling young… I’m only 12…


mentality of a 12 year old…
body of a 50 year old…
attention span of a 1 year old!

Better than me I’d still wager.

Body of a 44 year old.
Curiousity of an 8 year old.
Cranky as a 70 year old with arthritis.

lol awesome - my first computer experience (putting aside the commodore) was an IBM XT (?) - monochrome screen everything - i think it was the first time i played zork if i remember correctly. good ole days…

check out those specs ; )

That was modern for me! I started on a Wang system (2200?) that used punch cards to program them back in high school in the late 1970s.