Presenting a work in progress. […“Bit Eater”…] 
You play Bob, a box in a world of bits, bytes and bad-ass music.
Progress Complete: [Prototype]
- Objects drop and can be caught.
- Character moves correctly.
- Music flows with the increasing difficulty of the stage.
Check out the video preview of the prototype, on YouTube, at the link below. (Its high quality and too big to load up here I think) :shock:
If its not too much trouble, any thoughts would be appreciated.
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This is a character concept of our main protagonist, BOB the bit eater.
The main idea here is that he will change color depending if he eats bits or if he is hit by a bad bit.
Pretty nice considering the simplicity.
Thanks for the input Eiznek.
The goal for this project is minimalism. But as this is just the prototype, style may change.
I’ll keep posting new content. 
BitEater Week 2 progress:
Finished a huge graphical overhaul!
Added life to the character to make the game more difficult.
Added power Up’s which create vehicles for you to ride.

4, Finally, Implemented a random event where gravity and orientation changes in game!
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