Bitesize samples release thread [Netcode For GameObjects]

Version 1.1.0

We are pleased to announce a new release of Bitesize Samples!

Got Feedback about Bite-size samples? Let us know via our Feedback Form. You can flag bugs and ask for new samples or features by opening an issue on the official github repository here.


Installation Guide:

New Features:

  • The ClientDriven bitesize sample has been refactored to integrate Unity’s Third Person Character Controller Starter Asset. The sample now features a PlayerPrefab inside NetworkManager that is a networked variant of the Starter Assets character prefab. Other improvements include:

  • Input polling via the new Input System

  • Connection UI utilizing UI Toolkit

  • All three samples (ClientDriven, 2DSpaceShooter, and Invaders) have received a visual overhaul.

  • All three samples have been updated to Netcode for GameObjects v1.2.0 & Unity 2021.3.15f1 LTS.


Bitesize Samples now support the most recent LTS version of the Unity editor.

If you choose to use it with previous editor versions, you will experience compatibility issues with some aspects of the project. If you are currently running Bitesize Samples with 2020LTS, we recommend upgrading to 2021 LTS at the earliest opportunity via the Unity Hub.

If you experience any issues or would like to share feedback with the development team, you can connect with us either via the Multiplayer Forum, on Discord or contribute to the project directly via Github.

Full Release notes are available at:

Version 1.2.1

We are pleased to announce a new release of Bitesize Samples, including the brand new Dynamic Addressables Network Prefabs sample!

Installation Guide: About Bitesize samples | Unity Multiplayer Networking

New Features:

  • The Dynamic Addressables Network Prefabs bitesize sample has been added! This sample showcases the available use-cases for the dynamic prefab system, which allows us to add new spawnable prefabs at runtime.
  • All four samples have been updated to Unity 2021.3.18f1 LTS.


Bitesize Samples now support the 2021.3.18f1 LTS version of the Unity editor.

If you choose to use it with previous editor versions, you will experience compatibility issues with some aspects of the project. If you are currently running Bitesize Samples with 2020LTS, we recommend upgrading to 2021 LTS at the earliest opportunity via the Unity Hub.

If you experience any issues or would like to share feedback with the development team, you can connect with us either via the Multiplayer Forum, on Discord or contribute to the project directly via Github.

Full Release notes are available at: 1.2.1 GitHub Release notes


Multiplayer Samples Team

Version 1.5.0

The Multiplayer Samples team are excited to announce a new release of Bitesize Samples!

We’d like to also announce the new Bitesize Samples Experimental Folder, along with its first addition, the Multiplayer Use Cases sample!

Experimental samples are new samples or experimental modifications made to mature samples.
Learn more about the goal and purpose of experimental samples here.

Installation Guide:

New Features:

  • The Multiplayer Use Cases bitesize sample has been added to the Experimental Folder! This is a sample project that provides a series of scenes, each aimed at explaining a specific API or system commonly used in Netcode for GameObjects. In this sample, you will learn more about client-server communication, state synchronization, and other typical mechanics of multiplayer games.
  • All samples (ClientDriven, DynamicAddressablesNetworkPrefabs, Invaders, 2DSpaceShooter) have been updated to 2022.3.14f1 LTS
  • All samples (ClientDriven, DynamicAddressablesNetworkPrefabs, Invaders, 2DSpaceShooter) have been updated to Netcode for GameObjects v1.7.1


Bitesize Samples now support the 2022.3.14f1 LTS version of the Unity editor.

If you choose to use it with previous editor versions, you will experience compatibility issues with some aspects of the project. If you are currently running Bitesize Samples with 2021 LTS, we recommend upgrading to 2022 LTS at the earliest opportunity via the Unity Hub.

If you experience any issues or would like to share feedback with the development team, you can connect with us either via the Multiplayer Forum, on Discord or contribute to the project directly via Github.

Full Release notes are available at: 1.5.0 GitHub Release notes


Multiplayer Samples Team

Version 1.6.0

We are pleased to announce a new release of Bitesize Samples!

Got Feedback about the Bitesize Samples? Let us know via our Feedback Form.

Installation Guide:


  • All samples (ClientDriven, DynamicAddressablesNetworkPrefabs, Invaders, 2DSpaceShooter) have been updated to 2022.3.27f1 LTS

  • ClientDriven, Invaders, and 2DSpaceShooter have been updated to Netcode for GameObjects v1.8.1.

  • Upgraded to the newer API for Rpcs, Universal Rpcs

  • Upgraded to newer API for Connection Events, OnConnectionEvent

  • Upgraded to use NetworkObject.InstantiateAndSpawn() API, where applicable

  • Due to a regression in Netcode, DynamicAddressablesNetworkPrefabs has remained at Netcode for GameObjects v1.7.1. The sample will be upgraded in the near future with a Netcode version including a fix for the regression.


Bitesize Samples now support the most recent LTS version of the Unity editor.

If you choose to use it with previous editor versions, you will experience compatibility issues with some aspects of the project. If you are currently running Bitesize Samples with 2020LTS or 2021LTS, we recommend upgrading to 2022 LTS at the earliest opportunity via the Unity Hub.

If you experience any issues or would like to share feedback with the development team, you can connect with us either via the Multiplayer Forum, on Discord or contribute to the project directly via GitHub.

Full Release notes are available at:

Multiplayer Samples Team

We are pleased to announce a new release of Bitesize Samples , the repository that provides a series of sample code/scenes as modules to use in your games and better understand Netcode for GameObjects (Netcode) and Unity Gaming Services.

Version 1.7.0

Documentation and installation guide: About Bitesize samples | Unity Multiplayer Networking


“Released” Bitesize Samples support the most recent LTS version of the Unity editor. “Experimental” and “Deprecated” ones might support only newer/older versions.
If you choose to use a sample with a different editor version, you will experience compatibility issues with some aspects of the project.



  • Added a “Deprecated” folder for samples that are no longer supported


Invaders sample

  • This sample is now “Deprecated”

Multiplayer Use Cases sample

  • This sample is no longer “Experimental”, and it has been moved into the “Basic” folder
  • In-game UI now uses UIToolkit instead of UGUI
  • Updated README to provide a clear path to the onboarding resources in case a user closed the Tutorial window

Dedicated Game Server

  • Upgraded project to Unity 6000.0.3f1
  • Updated dedicated server packages to 1.1.0
  • Updated Netcode For GameObjects version to 1.8.1, and replaced RPCs using the new workflow provided

Full Release notes are available at: Release v1.7.0 · Unity-Technologies/com.unity.multiplayer.samples.bitesize · GitHub

Need help?

You can connect with us either via the Multiplayer Forum, on Discord, or contribute to the project directly via GitHub.

Got Feedback?

Let us know via our Feedback Form.

We are pleased to announce a new release of Bitesize Samples , the repository that provides a series of sample code/scenes as modules to use in your games and better understand Netcode for GameObjects (Netcode) and Unity Gaming Services.

Version 1.8.0

Documentation and installation guide: About Bitesize samples | Unity Multiplayer


Multiplayer Use Cases Sample

  • Upgraded ‘Multiplayer Use Cases’ sample to Unity 6 and adopted latest in-house Input and Multiplayer packages
  • In-Game UI is now responsive and adapts to screen size

Full Release notes are available here.


We are updating our content library to Unity 6. During this time, the compatible version of each sample may vary: you will find the compatible editor version for each bite-size sample in their readme.

If you choose to use a sample with a different editor version, you will experience compatibility issues with some aspects of the project - so be sure to check!

If you experience any issues or would like to share feedback with the development team, you can connect with us either via the Multiplayer Discussions, on Discord or contribute to the project directly via GitHub.

Need help?

You can connect with us either via the Multiplayer Forum, on Discord, or contribute to the project directly via GitHub.

Got Feedback?

Let us know via our Feedback Form.

1 Like

Awesome stuff! Is Boss Room getting updated to Unity 6? That would be fantastic since that’s sort of the flagship NGO sample isn’t it?

Are there any NGO FPS samples in consideration? It would be nice to have FPS Microgame or FPS Sample (2018) set up with current NGO. If there’s some WIP/experimental FPS NGO projects you can point to, that would be appreciated.

Is Boss Room getting updated to Unity 6

Yup, it’s something we’re working on this quarter, but I don’t have a release date that I can share. Same goes for the other bitesize samples.

Are there any NGO FPS samples in consideration?

Not sure of what I can share here, so I’ll just say that If/when there’s going to be an FPS sample, there will be official announcements about it.
NGO is not an ideal framework for FPS btw, it’s not meant to be used to build fast-paced competitive games. You can find more info about that in this Unite talk.

We are pleased to announce a new release of Bitesize Samples!

Got Feedback about the Bitesize Samples? Let us know via our Feedback Form.

Bitesize Samples Version 1.9.0

Installation Guide:

We’d like to announce the promotion of the Distributed Authority Social Hub Sample!


  • The Distributed Authority Social Hub Sample has been moved inside the Basic directory. This sample supports:
    • Unity 6000.0.24f1
    • Netcode for GameObjects v2.1.1
    • Multiplayer Services v1.0.0, and more

Read more about the sample here.

We are updating our content library to Unity 6. During this time, the compatible version of each sample may vary: you will find the compatible editor version for each bite-size sample in their readme.

If you choose to use a sample with a different editor version, you will experience compatibility issues with some aspects of the project - so be sure to check!

If you experience any issues or would like to share feedback with the development team, you can connect with us either via the Multiplayer Discussions, on Discord or contribute to the project directly via GitHub.

Full Release notes are available at: