Black Metalic Reflections in HDRP Planar Reflection Probes?

Non static metalics, bathroom faucets, look black in HDRP planar reflections, slide metalic down color matches. Tried adding normal maps, created HDRP material. Using probe volumes for non static.

If I set clipping plane to near 0, (0.0001) it does reflect proper color, very bright, change intensity very low and can get reflection to match brightness of game object, but… reflection is very unstable and reflects other scene images when camera moves. set clipping plane any higher and reflections turn black for metalic.

any ideas?
different shader needed for that material to reflect properly?
material is hdrp/lit

metalic indirect fallback under frame settings, 3 spots in lighting to check off. Hope it helps someone.

fall back to metalic works, but everything in scene looses it’s luster. the mirrors are opaque looking too because they are metalic. not a very good option. It says it’s a good option for real time reflection probes to keep from metal being rendered as black when unity can’t calculate several bounces of specular lighting. So that leaves real time GI. the problem with that, you can’t use adaptive light probes with enlighten (2023.2) error message and regular light probes get baked with black probes that darken surfaces it shouldn’t when using real time GI. I’m at a loss here. any ideas.

on the planar reflection probe, under custom frame settings you can set metallic albedo fallback for just the planar reflection. That’s the best option I found if you can’t use light probes due to black probes and have to use probe volumes to solve that issue. would be nice to use realtime gi with light probes that worked, or realtime gi with probe volumes to get metalic reflections. hope it helps someone