Black Screen after video is shown

I am currently experiencing a similar issue to these two threads (both from the same op), but I am not sure it is the same problem.
The ads have already worked correctly, and since then I haven’t touched code connected to UnityAds.

Earlier, whenever an ad finished playing or was skipped, the corresponding Google Play Store page was shown, with buttons to restart the video or return to the app. Now all I see is a black screen, sometimes with a row of 10 stars. I can return to my app with the back button, though. (sidnote: My device is set to portrait-mode, while the ads are landscape, and I notice the screen rotating before showing black. Not sure if relevant)

The workaroung from the above linked threads didn’t change anything.

Logcat output:
(I distinctly notice a cut off line near the bottom)

I/Unity ( 8175): Debug: UnityAndroid: show()
I/Unity ( 8175): UnityEngine.Debug:Internal_Log(Int32, String, Object)
I/Unity ( 8175): UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object)
I/Unity ( 8175): UnityEngine.Advertisements.Utils:Log(DebugLevel, String) (at C:\Users*\Assets\Standard Assets\UnityAds\Scripts\Advertisements\Misc\Utils.cs:12)
I/Unity ( 8175): UnityEngine.Advertisements.Utils:LogDebug(String) (at C:\Users*
\Assets\Standard Assets\UnityAds\Scripts\Advertisements\Misc\Utils.cs:17)
I/Unity ( 8175): UnityEngine.Advertisements.UnityAdsAndroid:show(String, String, String) (at C:\Users*\Assets\Standard Assets\UnityAds\Scripts\Advertisements\VideoAds\UnityAdsAndroid.cs:36)
I/Unity ( 8175): UnityEngine.Advertisements.UnityAdsExternal:show(String, String, String) (at C:\Users*
\Assets\Standard Assets\UnityAds\Scripts\Advertisements\VideoAds\UnityAdsExternal.cs:36)
I/Unity ( 8175): UnityEngine.Advertisements.UnityAds:show(String, String, Dictionary`2) (at C:\Users***\Assets\Standard Assets\UnityAds\Scripts\Advertisements\VideoAds\UnityAds.cs:208)
I/Unity ( 8175): UnityEngine.Adve
I/Unity ( 8175): onPause
D/Unity ( 8175): Sensor : Accelerometer ( 1) ; 0.001197 / 0.00s ; ICM20610 Acceleration Sensor / Invensense
I/Unity ( 8175): windowFocusChanged: false
D/Unity ( 8175): [EGL] Attaching window 0:0x0

I just found this thread which is seems to be the exact same problem I am having. No solution there, either.

Further testing shows: in the cases where the 10 stars are visible (no pattern emerging yet) the store page seems to be active, but hidden behind the black screen. I can restart the video, return to the game or open the play store app by tapping the right regions of the screen.

Additional info: (don’t know if any of this is relevant)

  • I haven’t pushed the apk to the app-store yet, not even alpha, but I did change the bundle identifier today
  • I use Soomla for a ingame store. In combination with UnityAds this means that I have two AndroidManifest.xml files (one in Plugins/Android, the other in Plugins/Android/unityads). There is only one in the apk, though, but I can’t read it. I can’t say with certainty if Unity merges the two auomatically, or if it just uses one of them, but when I install it on my devices, it mentions permissions from both manifests, so I assume the former.

I have the same problem with the already published game worked fine yesterday, today, a blank screen after the video.
In addition, I found a similar bug in the popular game “silly sausage”, which also uses Unity ADS

Seems to be a global issue at the moment. Black screen and 10 stars on android and white screen without anything on iOS. Happens not only in our app, but others aswell (even Crossy Road). I guess it’s a server side bug…

Interestingly I have an old Version of my game running on one device, and the Ads return without problem there, so there seems to be at least something wrong with my code…(Same version of UnityAds)

Edit: I take that back. I just reverted the entire Project to the state it was at a week ago, when the Ads worked, and now they, too, show a black screen. The device running the same code, only compiled a week ago, continues to work as expected, which is odd…installing the apk from that device on others again show the black screen.

Did anyone find a solution yet? Is it a problem with Unity Ads servers?

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I reported the problem to UnityAds last week, but so far I got no answer.

Got the same Problem as you guys. Found no solution too :frowning:

We’re currently looking into the cause of this issue. Have not been able to reproduce so far.

Perhaps you can help us by answering the following questions:

  • How often do you see the black screen when an ad is shown?
  • Which ad campaigns are shown leading up to this issue occurring?
  • Which country/region are you viewing ads from?


Hey Nikkolai,

to answer your questions:

  1. Allways. After the ad has finished, instead of a download option there’s just the black screen (same on iOS, except the screen is white)
  2. All of them.
  3. Germany

The issue appeard last thursday. Since then I haven’t seen any app in the store which uses UnityAds and is not affected. We didn’t touch any of our code. We’re using Unity 5.0.0f4 and the newest Version (at least in the Asset Store) of UnityAds.

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A Quick update on this issue:

We found out that our CDN (content delivery network) where all files (like the video end-card) are downloaded from, is returning mismatching content type with headers (Headers tell that content is Gzipped, but the file sent is actually not sent => Therefore UI is broken). This only happens on some countries (atleast in Germany and Russia, might be others).

We are currently fixing this, I’ll update when this is fixed.


Aaand… done. Works now as supposed. Report in this thread if you still experience problems.

We having the same issue with all our apps, after finishing watching the video ad there is a blank white screen on iOS (on iPhone 6 with iOS 8.1.2) and black screen on Android (Nexus 4 with Lollipop).
The apps haven’t been updated or changed.
The same issue occurs on other games using unity ads (i.e Crossy Road downloaded from the appstore on iPhone)
We using Unity 4.6.2f1, and testing from Israel.

EDIT: it seems to be working fine now. thank you :slight_smile:

It is fixed for me. Thanks a lot!

Seems that the problem only affected files delivered from Frankfurt datacenter for a few days.

Thanks for all the reports.


I get this problem and have been getting it for a few days now. I´m in Sweden, getting the white screen on iOS after the test video has shown. I have not yet released the game and have not tried with real videos.

Today it is working again! I hope this will not happen when the game is released :S

@HeikkiTunkelo Hi mate i am still getting this issue when UnityAds are displayed in India/Japan, Could you tell me if this is fixed or not please thank you.

  1. When the video is skipped the screen always turns black and most of the times when it’s not.
  2. I can only see the default unity ad.
  3. Also from Sweden.

I’m using this AdManager script with Unity version 5.1.2. I’ve got a Transformer Prime TF201 pad with Android version 4.1.1 for testing.

Hi. I have a black screen after video is shown/skipped only on Samsung (G531H, android 5.1.1) device. Black screen shown in in the same orientation in which video was skipped/completed. After rotate to another orientation as well as for the first display of ads everything is OK - post video UI displays correctly at both landscape and portair.
This is my android manifest. My game supports only landscape orientation.
I am using Unity 5.2.1f1 , Unity ads 1.3.2, API 23 SDK for build.

change “android:theme” to another theme in Plugins/Android/unityads/androidmanifest.xml . I use Theme.Holo.Light and it is work.