Black Screen Android Build

I’m working on a mobile game, and its kind of like slope, the 3d endless runner. Ive got a menu screen and when i click play, its supposed to transition to the game scene. The transition is the camera zooming into the cube i have on the menu, switching scenes, then zooming out of the cube in the game scene. As of now, the cube zooms in on the menu, kinda freezes for a few sec, then when the scene changes, its a black screen, the music still plays and the game still works, theres just no visuals. Its just a black screen. This is on android btw, when testing in unity on pc it works fine.

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  1. Apply Application.targetFrameRate to set FPS to 30 or to 60 based on what your Android phone sets by default.
  2. Test such FPS in the Editor and via PC Build. Possibly, you will see a black screen here as well. You didn’t describe what “zooming” is, but it may depend on FPS.

The zooming is just a visual way of smoothly transitioning to the next scene. When the play button is pressed, the camera zooms into the cube seen on the menu page, switches scenes, then zooms out while in the game scene.

How is it implemented? Code, Animation, Cinemachine?

The purer your post, the more chances you have to get no answers.

Please — provide screenshots, video, code, etc. Apply formatting to text.

You post for humans here.

I have the same problem but with version 2023, on some Android devices the screen is completely dark but the UI is displayed. Have you found a way to get rid of this?

My issue was a simple one. The order of my UI in my hierarchy fixed it. Very silly, ik. I had an empty render texture that was showing first, hence the black screen.