Black screen on build

Unity 2019.4.8 & 2019.4.7, build application only shows black screen on build.
works in editor, works with Unity Remote, tried empty projects with all variety of settings.

JDK, SDK, NDK & Gradle all installed with unity and showing no errors (all builds are also deemed a success by the editor)

Testing on my A21S, any ideas?

Probably the same issue as described in New in 2019.4.7 - Black screen with Vulkan & Linear Color Space on Adreno 630 - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions.

It should be fixed in Unity 2019.4.9 (not out yet). The only known workaround is to disable Vulkan (or downgrade to Unity 2019.4.6).

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FML, color space is the ONE thing i didn’t change, lol

Exactly that, switched to gamma and it worked, thanks a lot for the heads up, hope you get it working soon! :wink: