For some reason with 2021.3.15f1 using OpenXR, I am getting a black screen on the monitor when running a built version. I have tried also with 2022.2 and am getting the same issue. I have tried running with SteamVR or occulus and both show nothing on the screen. The view in the headset is working fine but the display mirror is not.
Do you get output in the scene view when playing?
Which OpenXR version?
Build in/URP/HDRP?
Do you have the output of the VR camera set to monitor 1?
URP : 12.1.8
OpenXR : 1.5.3
XRmanagement: 4.2.1
output of camera is set to display1
headsets Quest2 and Rift
Oculus App Version (
works fine in editor but build versions is displayed only in headset. Oculus mirror does work.
Hmm basically the same setup as me (although I use openxr 1.6).
Not sure what it could be sadly
well then I shall have to break out my index and see if its an oculus runtime issue.
1.6.0 of OpenXR plugin fixed an issue with black screen + URP:
[1.6.0] - 2022-11-29
- Fixed black game window issue when building a URP project.
Cool what unity version does it need. I don’t see a way to update to that version.
You need to edit the packages.manifest file
Thank You that fixed it!!!
When will this version enter circulation in the Package Manager?
Soon… it’s in all the release queues and will be the default back to 2020.3. Don’t have exact dates. But for now you can edit package manifest as described above.
The reason I ask is because I don’t want to struggle with conflicts or unusual cases with the official push to the PM after updating the manifest manually. Is there anything that I should keep in mind / know about as far as conflicts or special behavior when the default version bumps up to 1.6.0? Will I have to change anything after that occurs? Or will my manual update behave itself after the official update?
Changing manifest will get you the official update. You won’t have to do anything special when the default version is bumped for the editor.
How do I change the manifest file for openxr? It doesnt display anything related to it in there, in packages-lock.json I can see something similar, but it gets defaulted to 1.5.3 even if I change it
The file needed to be edited is called “manifest.json” located in your project folder then folder Packages.
Example: C:\Unity\Project\Packages\manifest.json
After you edit and save the file, your Unity project will update and you will have to restart the editor for the changes to take place.