Black screen with VR using Unity 2022 with Oculus quest

I am trying to use SteamVR without the new XR system and i see a black screen when i use the oculus quest with oculus link. I have the XR interaction toolkit installed but i don’t use it, just installed it so that other packages from unity asset store don’t give errors.
I get the warning “[SteamVR] Initialization failed. Please verify that you have SteamVR installed, your hmd is functioning, and OpenVR Loader is checked in the XR Plugin Management section of Project Settings.”
When i move the hmd it moves in the editor but the screen is black in the oculus quest

SOLVED, i had to disable the Oculus checkbox, otherwise takes Oculus native as priority and doesn’t run OpenVR for SteamVR

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Seems like you’d like to use OpenXR (;