Black screen


I tried to update my app with a very old unityads sdk to the latest one and I have a problem.
Everything seems to work perfect but when my app tries to show an Interstitial then it starts with “Sponsored” and unity logo (testMode) and then black screen for eternity without let me to close this window.

Sometimes when I press the home button and reopen the app, ad starts to playing (sometimes as I said) but and those times doesn’t let me to close it (skip button and X doesn’t work).

I use the same code in a couple of applications and works perfectly.

I don’t get a specific error… but in logcat there is this:
UnityAds: (line:173) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission

In AndroidManifest i added off course these two permissions:

Does anyone have any idea?

Here is the logcat (I don’t copy everything… i take tha latest things):

W/UnityAds: (line:173) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
W/UnityAds: (line:173) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
I/UnityAds: (line:88) :: Requesting configuration from
I/UnityAds: (line:88) :: Received configuration for token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.ebv2OxNO0gh4CeSWDBfDZATjDF6QEGbukeWAbyOvVjM (A/B group 16)
E/UnityAds: (line:30) :: Invalid rule  for experiment
I/chatty: uid=10158( identical 8 lines
E/UnityAds: (line:30) :: Invalid rule  for experiment
E/UnityAds: (line:30) :: Invalid rule  for experiment
I/chatty: uid=10158( identical 8 lines
E/UnityAds: (line:30) :: Invalid rule  for experiment
W/UnityAds: (line:148) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
I/chatty: uid=10158( JavaBridge identical 2 lines
W/UnityAds: (line:148) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
I/UnityAds: (line:88) :: Webview started using the latest version

//Here I call
E/UnityAds: (line:30) :: Invalid rule  for experiment
I/chatty: uid=10158( JavaBridge identical 8 lines
E/UnityAds: (line:30) :: Invalid rule  for experiment
I/UnityAds: (line:88) :: Opening performance ad unit with orientation PORTRAIT, hardware acceleration enabled
V/MediaHTTPService: MediaHTTPService( Cookies: null
V/MediaHTTPService: makeHTTPConnection: CookieManager created:
V/MediaHTTPService: makeHTTPConnection( cookieHandler: Cookies: null
D/MediaPlayerNative: getMetadata
//Here stopped everything and I have a black screen...

Hey there, I can’t say I’ve seen this issue before. I’d like to investigate this further, would you mind opening a ticket?
If you could send us over the code you are using to integrate ads and details on your testing setup, that would be very helpful for investigating this.
Could you also confirm if this is only happening in test mode?
Looking at the logs this may be related to a UI experiment.

This caused the problem:

protected void onPause() {
    myWebView.pauseTimers();  // <----------------- THIS!

It didn’t make this problem before updating to latest version.

And one more question. Is it better to add manually the jar file to the project or to use maven whit the following:

implementation ''