Black square cursor

I have a problem with build. I Play on Unity no problem but when I build it it seem black square like this

but my cursor is [60185-like.pngthis cursor. Pls need help. This is my school project.|60185]

Quoting Eric5h5:

Try setting the texture type to Cursor, and limiting the size to 32x32. I found that while setting the cursor in the player settings worked in the editor, it did not show up in a build. I worked around that by using Cursor.SetCursor in a script instead.

Unity Answers - Creating a custom cursor

Go to project window and search your image. Click on it and go to inspector. Then, change texture type to cursor and click apply!

[SerializeField] Texture2D cursor;
void Start() {
Cursor.SetCursor(cursor,, CursorMode.ForceSoftware);