Blackscreen displayed when playing on builded app for oculus quest

Hello everyone,

It’s been two weeks that I try to figure out how to build my unity app on Oculus quest.
I’ve been looking for a solution on several forums but nothing is working.
It says that the build’s completed with succeeded but when I try to open it in unknown sources I hear the sound but nothing is displayed.
The weird thing is that I could develop it in the editor.
Is it possible that the problem comes from the Mixed Reality ToolKit (that I use in the app) or maybe the URP?
Here’s my configuration :

  • Unity 2020.1.17f1
  • Oculus XR Plugin 1.8.1
  • XR Plugin Management 4.0.1
  • Mixed Reality Toolkit (all the features in 2.5.0)
  • Post Processing 2.3.0
  • URP 8.3.1
  • Oculus Plugin 1.52.0

Thanks in advance

What happens if you load a new scene and add a VR rig to it and then build that scene?

One thought: have you enabled the “Oculus Quest” feature for OpenXR?

Yes, I enabled it.
I try to work with the android logcat package.
It found me some errors like :

OMX-VDEC-1080P vendor library not set in ro.vendor.extension_library

But for the moment I can’t find the solution…