Blackscreen when return to main menu - iphone only


i have a finished project, and now when testing it on iphone, it turns black after returning to the mainmenu.

this does not happen on mac, and the menu still works, but you cannot see it (you still can click it though, and when you navigate blind to start a new level, the level works fine).

it seems as all the images from the mainmenu are not loaded anymore. is there a way to see whats going on there at all?

could this be a ram issue, although i do not use very large or much textures, but levels are huge. if so, would it help to destroy as much as objects in the level via Destroy(obj) before loading the main menu level?

Loading a new level will kill anything you didn’t instantiate manually through Instantiate(Resources.Load( … ) ) so you shouldn’t need to do anything.

Any chance you modify your camera settings in the level and your main menu requires different settings or that the menu related stuff is on an object thats don’t destroy but is only initialized in Awake instead of Start?

still no results :frowning:

i put everything from awake() to start(), i copied over the camera from the levels, i removed as much textures as possible (since then it shows up more often), i originally used guitextures in the scene, then changed to textured polygons, then to manually drawing in OnGUI. sometimes its worse, sometimes better, meaning in sometimes they show up more often, sometimes less. i used a tiny level between, so the game level loads the tiny level, then the game level should be removed from ram automatically - i guess, then the tiny (almost empty) level, loads the mainmenu.

this is obviously a bug (again :frowning: ) but i can’t nail it down. one thing is for sure, the more complex the level before loading the menu, the higher the chance, the menu graphics do not show up. so i think this is a memory leak somehow.

this is the second game i have finished with unity, that i cannot publish because of a engine bug :frowning:

as bad as it is, all i want to do, is to return to the main menu, can i at least reload the whole application, as in quit it completely and then automatically restart? would be ugly, but should work.