Hi. I am slowly learning Unity and instantly had this issue when I was just starting Brackey’s tower defense tutorial course.
I started and followed him along, but then realised that I couldn’t hit play as there were compiler errors. I checked them and there’s these 4 blank errors I cannot understand. They all had a timestamp (the time when I loaded in the project. I’ve uploaded the editor log in the post. I don’t understand such error logs, so I need some help figuring out what’s the issue. Thank you in advance. If this helps, the version is 2018.3.0f2 Personal.
I think I found a solution, the cause may have been in the newest unity version as I reverted back to 2.20f1 (literally the version before the newest one) and I haven’t got any blank errors.
No, I haven’t. I am following his tutorial course along on his youtube channel without any help of assets (atleast at the point I am at, probably will need them anyways) However I think the asset store or his own site should have what’s needed.