Blank Physics: 3D Puzzle Game

The game is called Blank Physics; it involves physics and is quite blank. There is a small story line behind the nothingness surrounding the game, but I’ll keep that to myself for now.

I’ve mad small little games before, but this is my first time taking a game somewhat seriously and releasing it to the public.

It’s of course free, and you can download it here:

Here is a short preview:


Hey, I like the idea of this… I am a fan of not telling the user how to play from the get go… from what i could see, i had no idea what you do other than its a physics puzzler… IMO nice! Will you make a mass amount of levels? You could do levels for different environments, for example: a space example where you would be on a large narrow platform and different gravity… just an idea…

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it.

The game was originally intended to have 15 or so levels, but to be honest I was tired of working on it and wanted to start a new project that would allow me to be more creative. Maybe I’ll return to this and add more levels at a later date.



I think suc games could be huge for IOS and Android / just challenge the players , i think if you give yourself a week of deep crazy research this could go great