Hi, I’ve found a problem in my animator controllers about 50 percent or more of my states are blank in the inspector, as you know if adding a new state you can see in the inspector the picture I’ve added, but on mine I can’t see anything on about 50 percent or more, and I have lots of state machine behaviour scripts on them I need to see, any idea what’s going on, and this is happening in a few projects I’ve imported into 2020.1.0f1
PS. and SOME of the transition links to them are blank.
Are you seeing any errors in the console log as you select the things that aren’t giving you proper inspector values? In general, if I find the UI is messing up in some way, I’ll reset the layout (Windows → Layouts → Reset Factory Settings). It’s worth trying.
If that doesn’t work, does the inspector consistently work for all new states you add to the animator? Maybe try adding a dozen states, and see if they all work?
I’m having the same issue. I’d say at least 75% of my states don’t show anything in the inspector. There doesn’t seem to be any pattern to which states are blank and which aren’t - it happens on states, blend trees, sub-state machines, transitions, etc. I’m on the same version: 2020.1.0f1.
I followed dgoyette’s advice and tried resetting the layout but that didn’t change anything. I made a bunch of new states and sub-states and blend trees and they all showed up in the inspector. So it’s just what existed before the update that’s not working.
Unfortunately if I revert back to 2019.4.0f1 now I get a bunch of internal Unity errors…
Update: this is a known bug. It’s been fixed but the fix doesn’t affect already existing states, only new ones.
You need to open the animator controller externally in notepad or something and change all instances of m_ObjectHideFlags from 3 to 1. Careful to uncheck ‘Always use this app to open .controller files’ otherwise the file association seems to corrupt a controller either duplicated or SetDirty and saved in script. I don’t know how to reset the association.
What happened with me was, that everything from my layer in the animator window just blanked. I deleted the playable director component and playable asset (which are created from timeline window), and everything returned to normal
Changing your Inspector mode to Debug showed me the hidden fields I was looking for. It’s not the same but will help short term. You can change from Normal to Debug by clicking three dots on top right of Inspector pane.