This is my first attempt at a Unity game, and I think it’s coming along pretty well. I was hoping to have it finished this week, but seeing as people keep posting WIPs and other unfinished things I thought I’d throw out my work as well.
BlastLab is a puzzler where you have to complete objectives via the use of nuclear weapons. Only the first 10 levels work as of now, and I’ve already got about 8 bugs logged in my bugtraq that I’ll be getting to after I finish all 25 levels. I also plan on incorporating this into Facebook where the achievements are posted to the user’s stream.
Hope you like it!
** UPDATE **
I’ve actually finished the game and put it on facebook here:
Took me about four tries to get level 5 right, but when I did (got the Little Boy(?) unlock) the level didn’t clear or give me credit, it just stayed in the scene with no more bombs until I clicked around enough to crash the player.
Thanks for the heads up Don. I’ve fixed that bug 3 times now, but it keeps coming back! As a consolation prize, Little Boy is the next Nuke up. (Bigger boom!) I’m also taking advantage of the PlayerPerfs, so if you reload the game all your medals, achievements, and unlocked levels should still be there.
Well, tried my best but haven’t gotten past level 9 yet, after about 40 times or so. No problem getting it on to the platform just haven’t been able to get it high enough to go “through” the ring (I guess, bug maybe?) the ring turns red, but I get no completion message. Will have to try again later, there is only so much failure a guy can take…
It helped to discover the reset button so not successful after the initial shot I don’t have to run through all the bombs to start again.
Being able to try as many times as it takes is also helpful.
I just got to Level 10 before deciding i ought to get back to work; some levels took numerous attempts but the balance is good (used a Little Boy on 9 to reach that ring).
Seeing as physics plays such a major part in this game I would spend some time tweaking them.
For one the gravity feels very off and the force from the blast seems a bit random. If I drop a bomb the perfect distance from a crate I can send it flying out of the map, but if I’m off by a few pixels it will merely throw it a few meters.
I only played to level 5, but with some polish and interesting gameplay twists it could be a fun concept.
“used a Little Boy on 9 to reach that ring”
Didn’t know you could change bomb types, will have to look into that.
Just assumed it was all automatic (upgrades built in).
It’s always fun to blow things up. Having said that I was on Level 4 and my crate ended up next to the wall. When I tried to drop the bomb there, it collided with the wall and exploded.
Perhaps the bomb should slide down the wall? (no explosion on collision with the wall)
Also, I hate to say it this far into development, but nukes never detonate nor hit the ground, their effectiveness is reduced that way.
Mostly they are exploded in the air above the target (several hundred meters), thus the familiar (dreadful) mushroom cloud form.
Wow! Thanks everyone! I’m pretty new to puzzle design, so forgive me if some of the levels are a little too hard. I’ve also made notes on all of the bugs you guys have pointed out that I already didn’t have on my punch list and I’ll be getting to them soon.
Had a great time playing this game and would love to see this game on iphone or android. I had one concern though and that was physics when it comes to hitting the walls. When the box gets to close to the walls the bomb sometimes explodes way to high on the wall. Maybe put a low grade bounce physicals material on the walls. At the same time blasting the box off the wall can be part of the game. Other then that I have no concerns! great job!
Made it to level 9 before the game just broke on me. It said I failed to complete the task (I did complete it :? ) and then it wouldn’t restart and then restart button did nothing.
This happened to me too, on Level 10. I had the three cars on the square line or within, and it said I had failed (one car was borderline in?) but then nothing happened the Reset button failed.
With that said, easy to learn and enjoy this game! Grats on the great work!
One quick question: what did you use for the bullseye cursor? I’ve been trying to use a projector to get a similar result in my game but it projects over too large an area. I’d love to see your method if you dont mind! Thanks!