Hey Guys,
Quick question I am sure you guys can answer. I am quite new to Unity and I am just now taking a stab at the animator
Currently my Animator is very basic and consists of three blend trees:
- Idle
- Running
- Dashing
I have them all setup to play the animation relative to my mouse position (Top down 2D Shooter… think Enter the Gungeon Style…in fact I am using their sprites as placeholders)
So far everything is working fine but I am having a problem with my Dashing blend tree. My Dash is set to go in the direction of my movement through a script (which is working fine), but my dash animation appears to be tied to my mouse position.
That is problem 1. How can I make the animation play in the direction of movement rather than my mouse position?
Problem 2 I am having, is as I am using a blend tree for the dashing animation, if I move my mouse during the animation, the animation changes relative to my mouse position. I do have the transition into the Dashing animation set to play full which is working fine, but the animation itself isn’t behaving the way I want (movement direction)
I’m wondering if I should be using some type of directional float parameter or something?
here are some screen shots of my animator
Fixed this myself by declaring new animation parameters within my dash script and using those for my blend tree