Blender Animation being offset

I have some animations in blender that are being offset in unity. I can see it even in the model Importer Settings preview window. This happens when the Animation Type is set to Generic, but it doesn’t happen when i set it to Legacy, but i have to use generic because i have some animations using root motion. Something strange that i noticed is that the Default take animation isn’t offset like the others. The offset is happening in the direction that most bones are, so this maybe has to do with center of mass, i don’t know. The root bone is static during these animations. Please help!

Please explain offset in more detail. A visual may be helpful.

You stated the root bone is static during these animations. You are moving the root bone when you need the animation to have root motion - correct?

I’m sorry but i can’t really find a solution.

Answering if someone ends up here with the same problem.

The fix was to click the Fix Mask button under the tab Mask and hitting aplly in each offset animation.

I hope this helps anyone with the same problem!