(Blender) Bone not animated from an advanced character rig

I have created a rig based off of the p2design effective rigging tutorials. In a chapter about rigging the weapon, the weapon is snapped to either the left or right hand with a property driving the influence of a Copy Transform bone constraint. I used this technique and two constraints to snap a pistol to either the holster or to the hand.
When I exported the animation, the pistol bone stayed in the holster position, even though I keyed the property that drives the influence on the constraint.

  • I am using blender 2.82a and Unity 2019.3.9f1

  • I am using fake user for the action, no active action on the rig

  • I exported the FBX from blender (FBX Units Scale, Deform Bones Only, No Leaf Bones, Bake Animation)

  • After importing, I created a humanoid avatar and configured it

  • I am also exporting animations as separate FBX files for organizational reasons

This is first time I’ve tried a complex blender rig in Unity, so if anyone with experience integrating Blender in their Unity Game Dev pipeline can help, I would be grateful.

Okay, so I’ve come up with a theory as to why the weapons are not animating. It’s that the weapon bones are not children of the hand bones, and also are not part of the humanoid avatar.
I made the weapon bones children of the Root because they have a holstered and drawn state, and an animated property in Blender determines which. If I want animations on these bones, what do I need to do?