I have tried everything but I am just not sure what I could possibly be doing wrong. When I import my FBX blender file to Unity, my whole mesh is all white. I created UV maps for my blender mesh and I’m not sure what the issue is. I tried following a couple of tutorials but the issue is still not fixed. I am a newbie with blender and don’t know why my materials and textures aren’t importing over. Thanks in advance for any advice! I’m really stuck on this.
I think the problem is that when you export as an fbx the camera and light from blender also get exported, it took me a bit to figure this out, but I’m pretty sure the light just ends up super bright. If you remove the light from the scene in blender, it should solve your issue. you will still need to apply the materials in unity though. Also I know this is an old post, but my answer might help people who come across this in the future so I’m going to post it anyway, hope you figured it out long before now.
blender materials dont import into unity. you have to recreate te material in unity and asign it to the your model, them it will not show white anymore again.
EDIT: How to set Up Materials from Blender to Unity step by step.
- Import / Save your Blenderfile inside of Unity’s Assetfolder.
- Select the Blender file / FBX and go to the Material tab. Now you should see that the Material section holds None (Material).
- Create as Many new Materials as there are for example here I create 2 new Materials.
- Now you have to asign the Textures to your Materials and the Materials to your Model(Inside the Import Settings) then hit the Apply Button.
UV’s from Blender are always transferred inside the exported Model like FBX, Obj, .blend. but the Materials are not, because Blender uses a different type of Material System. There are just some properties Unity can read out of Blender Materials.(Simple Textures and Colors).
hope this gets you going.