Blender FBX to Unity


I have created a lightmapped model in Gile~~. Imported it into Blender and Baked it - all good.~~
Then exported as a FBX and a .Blend file to Unity.
But when I import either I cant see my texture or the lightmap generated in Blender.
I have made the material that is imported with the model Lightmapped/Diffuse
What am I doing wrong??

have you imported before from blender with texture?
Its not that straightforward. At least not for me, a programmer, newbie in blender :lol:

What we do, for example in a simple mesh with a texture (say, a cube). After you apply the texture:

1.- Go to “editing”
2.- Then, in “mesh”. UVTexture->New (only by pressing it, is enough)
3.- Then, File-> External Data → Pack into .blend file

and your .blend file is ready to use in unity (dont forget to put the texture also in the right folder).

If you are doing a “real” uvmapping, then the step 1 and 2 is not necessary, because you already did it when mapping it.