Blender FBX: Why are only some actions being imported/exported?

So i have these actions in blender

I export as fbx using these settings

And this is my result in unity:

The walk/run/sprint animations are missing

what’s going on?

Hey Nanako, I have no idea why, but I would try exporting it with ASCII rather than binary.

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oh hello you <3

ASCII export seems to fix it, but also introduces another problem in that the model now appears at 1% size

and to be clear, it’s not importing at the wrong scale. My import scale is 1.0
it’s 1% of the size it should be, AT scale 1

this is screwing up all kinds of stuff :confused: i can’t make my additional bones work now. poke me on skype?

Are you using the newest version of blender? I exported animation several times this week and never had any problem.

When you change the animation in your action editor (the list in your first picture) does the animation actually change?

That’s a Unity bug since version 2. And they never fixed it. They just made it even worse in version 5 ^^

You have to set the import scale to 100 now.

I do see the scale issue, but I really have no idea why scale is an issue. Just scale the character up in Unity.

Because you have to scale it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and …

So it becomes an annoying issue over the years. And the “invisible” mesh traps me eve nowadays here and there :slight_smile:


wtf, whyyy ;-;

does UT know about this? please tell me you’ve reported it and they’re totally working on fixing it

okay, here are the problems i have

With Binary Export:
Not all of the animations are imported. Why ?

With ASCII export:
The scale problem as mentioned above
My hammer animations stop working
If i tick Optimise Game Objects in the import window, EVERYTHING stops working and my guy just floats around in T pose.

honestly, binary is newer, and has least problems. i’d prefer to just get that working, than use the obviously problematic ascii. help!

Yes they know about it. Yes it’s reported since version 2 regularly. And no, they don’t fix it. Mail them and ask them why. I have long given up at it. Unity is strange when it comes to bugs :slight_smile:

Hm, the Blender pipeline becomes more and more problematic with FBX. The problem here is that the developers always reverse engineer every new FBX version while other companies simply grab the official FBX SDK from Autodesk, and have a working version. The fun of GPL licensing. And from now and then they break some things.

What you could try is to use this script for rotation issues: This AssetPostprocessor switches the Y and Z axes of imported FBX files (and everything converted to FBX from Unity). · GitHub

And you could try to use the newest Blender developer version, which can be found here: Blender Builds -

You could also try to use external tools to export proper FBX. I use for example Ultimate Unwrap 3D. But this tool costs a bit money. Autodesk has also a free FBX converter. Never tested though …

Ascii is by the way the older FBX version, which could explain your trouble. I think it is still one version behind. Binary is the newer FBX version.

Is there any other format i could use to transfer models and animations between unity and blender?

Are you saying i wouldn’t have these problems if i used a commercial suite, like maya or 3DS ?

has anything changed in fbx recently? i’m using blender 2.72, and fbx version 7.4

would love anymore information about external exporters and converters, i will look into these x

Blender has been working on FBX, and DAE exports for the last few release. Personally, I always use ASCII because of blend shapes, as they won’t work with Binary.

Your animations are there already there. They are just hidden. What you need is more “animation clips” in Unity.
-You need to push the + under the “maro_armature|TPose” in the picture, to add “animation clip”
-Then select the “animation clip” and above the “clamp range” there reads “source take” select your animation from there.
-Add as many “animation clip” slots as you need and assing animation there.

i’m 90% sure i already did this, and the only things in the source take menu were the same things that were already in clips. The missing animations weren’t there. ill repeat it just to be sure though

Uncheck NLA strips from the exporter unless you use them in Blender.

i was right about the source take. All the missing actions are also missing from there

@Fab4 someone in that thread seems to have found a solution, but i can’t quite understand their explanation of it, nor for that matter am i certain its the same problem. Do you have any insight?

@vvaris done now, doesn’t make a difference to the problem sadly.

I haven’t been into making graphics the last few months, and my last full rigged character is from a year back. So i am not of real good concrete help at the moment. Have to catch up first and have a look how things are now. Just noticed a few oddities out of my eyewrinkles with newer Blender versions.

No, FBX is the way to go. Blender can read Obj to some degree and as long as the mesh is just with one material. But Obj does not allow animation. Unity also reads Collada to some degree. But here the oddities are even worse. Not worth the try. What remains is the official supported FBX format.

Not these kind of problems, yes. But maybe others ^^

Yes, there were some fixes and changes since Blender 2.72, even when it’s still FBX 7.4 binary and 6.1 ascii. Current version is Blender 2.73a. And 2.74 is in the Release Candidate state at the moment. You will download 2.74 from the above linked buildbot page. It’s definitely worth the update. And may even fix your problems.

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