Blender Imported Mesh is totally warped

So I created a little chess figure in Blender and it looks kinda nice.
I import it into my unity assets and notice it’s rotated -90 degree to the side.

When I drag it onto the scene its upright but when I look at the scale every axis has a different value. Also if I expand the .blend in my assets to get to what I guess is the actual mesh it already shows it being totally warped and of course it still is when I drag it onto an object in my scene.

Now the thing is that I wanna use the actual mesh to procedurally generate gameobjects and during play the mash changes e.g from pawn to rook to visualize the figure’s leveling up. So I really need the mesh to be scaled correctly as it is in blender.

the only similar problems I could find simply stated to set the scale on the .blend to 1 because for some it seemed to be imported on .1 . This doesn’t work for me as it is already imported with a scale of one.

pls help T_T

P.S. left is the mesh in unity and right is the model I rendered in blender Imgur: The magic of the Internet

Most likely due to your export options. Simplest fix is to export to fbx and make sure apply modifiers is enabled in the export options. Its also worth checking out the other export options and becoming familiar with them.

As for scale coming through to mesh, you would need to remove scaling from the blender object transforms. You can do this by selecting your model in blender, then using ‘ctrl-a’ to bring up the ‘apply’ menu and select ‘scale’. This will set the transform scale to 1 by scaling all the vertices in the model data. Whether or not this will work correctly very much depends upon how you have created your model, what modifiers might be used etc.

I guess it’s normal for a newbie to think the way blender handels your resizing of objects to be quite retarded and also the fact that this basic thing wasn’t covered in any of the dozen tutorials I watched :confused:

but thanks I got it now and it looks like it should :confused: