U5B9 is importing Blender objects wrong so I filed an official bug via the in-Unity bug reporter.
I enclose the contents of that bug here to see if anyone else has insights into this or would perhaps like to discuss it.
Unity5 Beta bug: Blender import scale is incorrect.
Description: Blender files imported to Unity 5.0 beta are imported at the incorrect scale.
“Incorrect” in this context means “wrong from every previous version of Unity that I have used going back to Unity 3.5”
Expected Results:
Blender files imported in Unity5 are scaled the same as they are in Unity4 and earlier
Actual Results:
Blender files imported in Unity5 are too small by a factor of 100 times too small
Steps to reproduce:
- open Blender3D and save the default cube, which is 2x2x2 in Unity and Blender units
- open Unity 4.5.4 and import the cube using default import settings.
- Place cube next to a standard Unity3D cube primitive.
- Notice it is the correct size.
- Open Unity 5.0.0b9 Beta
- Import the same original Blender3D cube using default import settings
- Place cube next to a standard Unity3D cube primitive
- Notice that the Blender3D cube is now extremely tiny, by a factor of 100x too small.