Blender object importing into unit without color

So ive looked in all 17 Quintilian parts of google looking for a fix nothing came up so far, essentially i created a cliff object using a plane u know modeld it then gave it an albedo material the top faces were set to a green colour from my colour palette pic the bottom was a brown colour and then after all that hard effort of following a tutorial which didnt show how to import properly into unity i did what i usually do export object selected objects then put it in some file like desktop or somethin i then went into my unity project clicked on the import asset thing clicked on my cliff and vuala i had a cliff that looked like something out of dr.stone or something i then did what everyone does and searched all of youtubes top 20 videos when i searched my exact thoughts and then nothing pls help. im using blender 2.8 btw and before you say no i dont tink its my unity version considering i opened the asset in paint and it was still grey. oh and i also tried both fbx and gltf.

Are you trying to use vertex colors?
You might have to create a special shader.