Blender Object resets origin and scale upon playing in Unity??

Hi Everybody,

I have a building I created in blender with an animated opening door. When I put this object in the scene and press play, it jumps to its original imported scale, and to (0,0,0) in the scene.

I’m familiar with the “put it in an empty game object” fix, but this doesn’t help the scale reset.

I’ve read Unity Answers that explain why this happens for 3DS Max files, but the solutions don’t really translate to Blender.

Can anyone explain this one from a Blender user’s point of view?


In blender before you export do the following:

CTRL-A >>> Apply Scale
CTRL-A >>> Apply Location

and if you want rotation. This will set the object to the standard non edited location, and then it wont snap to the position you gave it in Unity3d

Turn off animations importing in the unity import settings, and see if that helps. I don’t know why this hasn’t been fixed yet.