Blender solidify breaks shading

Here before solidify, only removed none wanted faces, shading correct

After solidify

Why is shading changes? How can I fix it?

@BIGTIMEMASTER you probably know whats going on? :smile:

It’s not super clear what the problem is or what has been done, plus i’m not familiar with blender. Looks like solidify extrudes and caps off, like shell modifier in max I think they call it, or doing extrude on object in maya.

So what happens is that the new extrusion also creates new UV’s. You’ll have to adjust the UV layout, for one.

I may be necessary to rebake the normal map as well. I’m not an expert with the technicals of that but the basic idea is that the normal map accounts for the difference between the normals of the high and low poly mesh. So if the normals on the low poly change, then you should rebake for correct result. To be honest i dont always do that if I can’t detect a visual difference. But it is the most correct thing to do.

Also, it would be better to ask on blender forums. Always go to the most appropriate place and you’ll get better answers faster.

Ah, I dont have the high poly so Im basicly fucked then
Though the faces havent changed for the existing faces. Same normals etc.

Not necessarily. You should be able to transfer the map over. I know you can do that with marmoset toolbag. Other programs can probably do it as well.

What were you trying to do with this tire exactly?

Create a version without the rim. Tire only. For more variation.

oh gotcha. yeah you should be able to do that. After the solidify just adjust the UV’s as necessary, then rebake the maps.
I am not sure if blender can transfer normal map like that or not. If it can’t just grab a trial version of toolbag. It’s super simple program - perfect for making edits like this that involve fast texturing or baking.

JMO but I wouldnt worry about the shading change. It doesnt read as anything weird and it’s just a tire. Nobody could ever say one looks correct and one doesnt.

Hmm. I would like to use same material for draw calls :confused:

same material. you just bake new textures to plug into it.

But that would change the look on the original version with the rims? :smile: I dont think I follow you sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, right.

Not sure there is anything to do in that case.

YOu might double check the vertex normals. YOu should be able to toggle on a display for that. Put the two models together and see if there is a difference.

If there is, then you can transfer the vertex normals from one to another. If there is not a difference in vertex normals, then I don’t know what could cause a difference.

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when you did the solidify that adds new geometry, which would likely change the vertex normals, at least along the edges.

Besides a transfer of vertex normals, something simpler like just hardening or softening the normals might help as well. I dont know the names in blender, but the idea is you set a threshold for angles and make vertex normals harder or softer shading based from that.

Sounds like a mouthful but you just push a couple buttons and look at the results is all.

I can see the vertex normals changing when removinging the rims faces

that is likely the difference then. It will take a minute to figure out how to do the vertex transfer operation in blender but in maya its like a two button process - likely there is counter part in blender as well.

i’d just google “transfer normals blender” or “transfer attributes”. It is common to do with low poly trees for a soft fluffy look by baking the normals from a sphere around the leaf cards, so some tutorials showing that might help as well.

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Thansk ill also ask on the blender forums, thanks!

Dude I was able to fix it! :smile:
If anyone finds this thread, this worked

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the transfer attributes comes in handy for a lot of things. Can transfer UV’s as well, for example.

Yeah cool stuff!

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Was this already answered, I would say after solidify he should have mark sharp some edges in blender.

Tried that, didnt work. But transfer normal data from orginal model did the trick. No change in shading now. Identical results.