Blender - texture problem after baking

I’m fairly new to blender & unity, so i understand that this may be a noob question, but after baking the materials in blender to color test them in unity, i got a “bugged texture”. Here’s the result, i got this blur effect on the edges of the cubes, not every edge though.

I’ll list here all the things i’ve done:

  1. Join all the objects ( cubes and plane) and apply them different colors as materials ( diffuse ).
    2)UV unwrap the object using smart unwrap (this may be the problem?) and then create a new image.
    3)Bake all the materials colors in one big texture, and save the UV map.
    4)Delete all the materials from my object except for one.
    5)Import to unity and attach the texture to the object.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: I tried also to attach the texture in blender and it got the same problem, seems it is related to baking.
Edit2: I tried to make a new one with only 3 cubes, and the blurred edges don’t show anymore… i don’t know why

I think point 3 is the problem. You have to make sure, that the seams in the UV have an offset that is big enough. When a texture is resized sharp edges get blurred out. As a consequence a seam of the cube can actually have a mixture of two colors.

Long story short: Keep offsets between UV seams and ensure that the colors extend the UV’s. (There is an option for this. I will check out how it is named asap)

OK the function is called Margin, maybe this helps:

Yep, that was the problem! Thanks for the answer!
Actually i may know how to increase the offset, in the smart unwrap it tells you how much offset you want to keep…
But, how do you do it with much more detailed objects with plenty faces?
And why sharp edges get blurred out? I mean, why is needed to extend the color over the square seam of the map?

I have to say that I still set the seams manually, use the standard unwrap function and edit the UV myself, so I can’t help you there.

About the blur effect of the textures:
If you save information in a 1024x1024 image an resize it to 512x512 you have only a fourth of the amount of pixels. So every pixel has to represent 4 pixels of the larger image. When blue and red are directly next to each other it becomes purple. In a detailed picture only details get lost but edges always get artifacts.

Take a look at this its a mucht more detailed explenation:

Thanks a lot for everything!

You’re welcome
When something comes up, feel free to write an pn. I know how frustrating it can become if something strange happens in creating textures.

I will! Thanks again :slight_smile: