I’ve created an object in Blender and when its in both Texture mode and Object mode the detail on the object looks great and I can zoom in and there’s no blurring but when I export the file and bring it into Unity the detail on the object in preview, game mode etc blurrs a bit.
How do I rectify this in Unity to make it look as good as it did in Blender?
thanks antenna tree, it helped a bit but it stills blurrs out when I zoom in, the blurr is what got my pack submission refused so I spent two weeks fixing the UVs and rephotoed the textures and its still blurry I maybe could change something in the Blender Export settings, I’ll post over there. (i’ve changed the orginal pics to a clearer one)
what size are your textures in blender? How does the texture looks in blender without bump/normal map? I never noticed any texture/import problems myself
I wanted to keep the pack I was uploading with 63 rocks to around 30mb in size (I think it was 32 or 33mbs when I tired to submit it first time round and it was refused for blurring on the rocks so I fixed them all and rephotographed the texture images but when I imported them yesterday the detail lose was still present) I use several textures in the pack and they are all under a mb each, size wise they are 20cm x 15cm at 80 pixels per inch and they are pngs, I’ve tried it with 150 pixels per inch and it made no difference in Unity this afternoon. As you can see from the photo the texture image without normals is ok. I have no idea wots wrong I’m guessing maybe I haven’t checked or unchecked something in Blender so I posted there and I’m awaiting a reply.
Ok, your texture resolutions are not power of two (512, 1024, 2048, etc) and Unity is resizing them. You need to resize your textures in an image editing app.
ok, if I did my calculation right your textures are around 630x472 with the given example (20cm x 15cm at 80 pixels per inch)!
I think what happens is that unity streches the texture to the neares power of two at import!
You can try to set this option off. click on the texture set texture typ to “Advanced” and non Power of 2 to “None”.
But you schould keep your texture power of 2 anyways. So if this fixes your problem I would highly recomment to redo your texture work