Hi everyone,
I’ve just started creating my own models for my game instead of just downloading them and I’m using Blender 2.59.
I have created a basic set of stairs and applied a wooden texture.
It looks great in blenders render view but when I open it in Unity and assign the texture, it gets colored brown (just 1 color from the texture)
I’ve had a look around and can’t seem to find how to fix it
Thanks for your reply ivanzu
I’ve tried this from Wikibooks
Blender 2.49 changed the way UV mapping works. Skip this section for versions of Blender prior to 2.49.
After 3D View:
(CTRL+E) Mark Seam.
(AKEY) Select All, then change the window type from 3D View to UV/Image Editor [2.49 Noob Note: I found it useful to split the window leaving one half as a 3D Window and converting the other half to UV/Image Editor.]
Open: BlueMarble-2001-2002.jpg.
Click the ‘belly button’ (image selector) to select the picture. (You should see the picture. If it’s black, try the mouse wheel to resize.)
Now unwrap. This will load the mesh horizontally on unwrap. [2.49 Noob Note: If you have split the window, as suggested above, the “U” key in the 3D Window in Edit Mode will give a UV Calculation drop-down menu. It is also possible to click on “Mesh” in the headers of the 3D Window in Edit Mode to get to the UV Calculation options.]
Then use the regular manipulation keys (RKEY, SKEY, GKEY) and buttons in UV/Image Editor to fit the uv meshes.
But nothing seems to happen.
I’ve currently got The UV Window with my wood texture and my stairs unwrapped and placed on the texture but what do you do after that?
September 6, 2011, 1:36pm
export the uv map in png format .Then export the whole model again and put it again in unity, set the uv map to materials in unity and it should work.Can you take the screenshot of your uv map in blender?
How do you export the UV Map? Do you go to UVs->Export UV Layout ?
Heres my UV Layout
September 6, 2011, 2:01pm
Yes if you want i can uv map it for you.
September 6, 2011, 2:15pm
You don’t need to export the UV layout, just re-export the object (the UV information is stored as part of the object).
I’ve just exported it nd it works great
Thanks for your help ivanzu niosop
1 quick question, is there anyway to change the UV layout to something more square instead of the current shape?
September 6, 2011, 2:25pm
Yes use seams or cube uv .
Sorry for being a pain lol
but how do you do that
September 6, 2011, 2:33pm
Do you have a skype so i can show you how to do it via share screen option?
September 6, 2011, 2:36pm
A quick search for “blender unwrapping tutorial” in youtube should give you a ton of unwrapping tutorials.
Sorry I haven’t gt skype, thanks anyways
Got a few vids, thanks