Blender3d /io_scene_fbx/ missing/removed.

First of all I’m using an unsupported linux distro, no support required. I’ve noticed this has also been reported with Blender 2.8

ERROR: Blender could not convert the .blend to FBX file.
Unity log prints io_scene_fbx.export_fbx module not found.

The file /scripts/addons/io_scene_fbx/ has been removed, see

I’m running ArchLinux and using Blender 2.79b from their official repo which uses an updated package with the deprecated file removed.

My workaround was to grab a copy and and place it in that directory and it works.

what also works is to copy&rename the file and use that as an alternative, however I am unaware of any unforeseen consequences using this module.

Assuming /Unity/Editor/Data/Tools/ requires the module which has been deprecated, are we likely to see a fix for this and is my workaround above suffice in the meantime? I could try making changes to but have ran out of time at the moment.

Thanks for taking the time to check out my issue.


Thank you, I noticed it wasn’t working so I copied, and renamed the copy and it worked. I wonder if it’s a permanent change with Blender? And if so, hopefully Unity will detect to see if the newer file is there and use that. :slight_smile:

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Thanks, i saw your thread on the arch forums, and came here to say your fix works just fine for me

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Glad it worked. Since blender 2.8 hasn’t been released yet we can only assume they will have a fix ready for when it does.

Thank you for this, I was setting up Unity and Blender on KDE but I couldn’t figure out why direct import wasn’t working. I went to “[Blender install location]/2.79/scripts/addons/io_scene_fbx/” and copied and renamed “” to “”