Blending from No Live VC to VC

Is there some way to have blending transition when transitioning between No VCs active to a VC being active?

At the moment when I don’t have any VCs Live, and I turn one of my VCs on, the camera just snaps to where the VC is. I want there to be a transition.

I have already set up a custom blend from (none) to the VC I want to switch on in runtime, but this doesn’t seem to be working and it still just snaps.

That’s not an anticipated use-case. There’s no need to have a “No VC” state in your game. Just put a VC to represent “No VC”. Animate it as you would an ordinary Camera.

Yeah I thought as much.

Just curious - in that case what is the (none) state used for in Custom Blends?

(none) is just what it says when it’s not initialized. It’s not used for anything.