Blending Texture with Noise

Hey Guys,

I am totally new to Shader Graph (Unity 2019.4.7f1) and i want to combine or blend my texture with the noise in a way where i am able to have the noise decide how much of the texture is showing in the final result.

Thanks in advance.


You could just think the noise as a mask, which you use to combine two inputs.
The most common tool to “mix” things is Lerp, which just means linear interpolation between two values based on a third. I.e. mix A and B based on value of C.

Here is a quick example to visualise one way of doing it.

In any case, there’s many ways of mixing textures/colors and whatever else together, but how you do it depends on your requirements. You might also want to use addidive or multiplicative mixing (i.e. use Add or Multiply operation.)

Thank you! Worked like a charm.