I saw that there’s a script in the wiki about using blendshapes but I don’t know how to implement it.
For my project I can’t use bones for my deformations. They are too complexe. I desperately need blendshapes. Can somebody make a demo file for me using that script so I can use it as a template? Something simple like a deforming sphere. Actually what I need is to have an icon that I would move on the screen (iPhone) to blend the shapes. One slider per shape. That would help me a lot (newbi…)
If you download the zip file, it has a demo in it already.
My bad, I didn’t see the zip file.
It works. Now, the morph object only appears when I play the game. That brings me another problem:
I turned off auto animation because I would like to activate the morph when I press a button.
function OnGUI () {
if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,10,150,100), "Morph me")) {
// what am I supposed to write here to execute the morph?
The ultimate goal is to have a slider that will blend my shapes as I slide. May be somthing like this:
var hSliderValue : float = 0.0;
function OnGUI () {
selectedHorizontalSlider = hSliderValue = GUI.HorizontalSlider (Rect (25, 25, 100, 30), hSliderValue, 0.0, 10.0);
if (GUI.changed)
// again I don't what should be here
Come on guys! Need help here! How do I execute the morph from a button or a slider? Need that, badly.