Blendshapes are broken

I tried to apply some blend on my mesh and get the error -

“Platform does not support compute shaders”

and the warning

“d3d11: failed to create buffer (target 0x10 mode 0 size 10720) since compute isn’t supported at this feature level”

Happens using WebGL on 2018.3. b3, working as expected on 2018.2.8.

I’ve filled a bug, but the link hasn’t come through yet.

Thanks for reporting this! Did you receive the confirmation email yet? Are you sure the report was actually submitted?

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It’s come through now. 1087245

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Afaik, webgl has failed to support compute shaders (and instancing for that matter) since 2017.x, even with the Graphics API setting set to webgl 2.0 in the player settings. Issue related to this was reported here and was marked “Wont Fix”. Even if it contradicts with the user manual here.

Not sure “failed” is more correct than not wasting time and money since compute shader support in browsers is crappy at best, if it actually works. WebGPU is also under development.

It was supported prior and the manual itself says that it should work. So yes, I believe failed is the correct term for it given these circumstances.

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I’m confused, blendshapes need compute shaders now?

We were able to reproduce the issue and it has been forwarded to the developers: