Blink guiText and then disappear and reappear

I would like to ask how do I make some guiText to blink awhile and then disappear. It will reappear about like 5seconds later.

var txt00 : Transform[];
var txt0  : Transform[];

Try using unity’s built in Animation tool to make the GUITEXT blink??

/* Flashing button example */

function OnGUI () {
	if (Time.time % 5 < 1) {
		if (GUI.Button (Rect (10,10,200,20), "Meet the flashing button")) {
			print ("You clicked me!");

You can use the Coroutines and new Unity 4.6 GUI to achieve this very easily. Check this article here

Blinking Text - TGC

If you just need the code, here you go

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;

public class FlashingTextScript : MonoBehaviour {

 Text flashingText;

 void Start(){
  //get the Text component
  flashingText = GetComponent<Text>();
  //Call coroutine BlinkText on Start
 //function to blink the text 
 public IEnumerator BlinkText(){
  //blink it forever. You can set a terminating condition depending upon your requirement
   //set the Text's text to blank
   flashingText.text= "";
   //display blank text for 0.5 seconds
   yield return new WaitForSeconds(.5f);
   //display “I AM FLASHING TEXT” for the next 0.5 seconds
   flashingText.text= "I AM FLASHING TEXT!";
   yield return new WaitForSeconds(.5f);