Blob shadow problems

I want to cast blob shadows on my levels that have lots of alpha blended (or actually alphatest) objects in it. Shadow projectors will render black on top any polygons they find, ignoring any alpha the texture might have. is there a way to get around this? what would need to be done?

Ok, I’m a total ShaderLab noob, but here’s my attempt at it:

Basically just take the default blob shader (Projector Multiply), remove the “Offset -1, -1” line and add a “ZTest equal” line. ZTest equal says it to render only in places where some surface is already rendered. Removing the Offset is required so that Z values will exactly match.

I also used an alpha test shader that does not blend, writes to Z buffer and executes in the same render queue. I took the Vegetation Vertex Lit shader from the wiki and removed those lines:

ZWrite Off
Tags {Queue=Transparent}
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha

The result looks like this (hey! I drawn the texture myself!):

Sweet! works perfectly :smile: Thanks!