Hello Isaacs, I am the Swift developer in @mml’s team. Yesterday I finally found a way to workaround this problem, it’s not perfect so it still would be great if you could internally fix this issue, but at least it works for now. I wanted to share my solution here so it eventually also helps your developers.
So I moved PolySpatialWindow(…) window from the view to a variable and declared it as a @State variable so we can listen to changes of the window like this:
@State var polyWindow = PolySpatialWindow(UUID(),
.init(2.000, 1.000, 1.000))
Then we are finally able to listen to the changes of the actualDimensions
.onChange(of: polyWindow.actualDimensions) { oldValue, newValue in
if oldValue.z == newValue.z {
// This ensures that the normal window resizing with the handler works correctly
// We use the difference of the starting window dimensions to the newly scaled window dimension and safe this as a scaling factor
additionalResizeDimensions = startScalingDimensions / newValue
} else {
// When the window gets moved along the z-Axis, the window gets resized as well
// We have to set a new start window dimension to calculate the difference of the starting dimension and the newly resized dimension correctly
// Additionally, we also have to include the additional resize scaling that also already happened before
startScalingDimensions = newValue * additionalResizeDimensions
actualDimensions = newValue * additionalResizeDimensions
And finally we can the apply the scaleEffect to the PolySpatialContentViewWrapper()
.scaleEffect(x: CGFloat(originalDimensions.x / actualDimensions.x),
y: CGFloat(originalDimensions.y / actualDimensions.y),
z: CGFloat(originalDimensions.z / actualDimensions.z))
As mentioned above, the solution works, but is not perfect as there is a short flickering when the window gets moved around as the content get’s scaled from PolySpatial and we re-scale it the opposite way again. Also, sometimes the onChange event does not get triggered correctly, ending up in a wrong scaling again - moving the window again fixes it then mostly.
It would be great to have some more options to pass for the window behaviour, like a preset of defined options like:
.init(2.000, 1.000, 1.000)
options: [
.dynamicSizing: false,
// ...
I guess internally this would then be just a simple if else
handling for such scenarios and would be super helpful for others!
Additionally, I still would be very interested in how the PolySpatial package even detects the change of the window’s position - I couldn’t find any native way so far to listen to those changes - would be really interesting!
We saw that the Unity ticket already has been confirmed, so thank you for re-flagging the incident!