Bloom improvements, such as a "None" option for downscale

Unity’s Bloom post-processing effect currently has two options for Downscale: Half and Quarter.

Please consider adding a None option to disable downscaling. This will give users (like myself) the option of taking a performance hit to have a finer, more aesthetically-pleasing glow. :pray:

Downscaling currently causes the glow radius to be very thick, even with Scatter set to zero.


As a workaround, I currently have to modify the package myself (PostProcessPassRenderGraph.cs):

On another note, I noticed a couple of odd design choices with RenderBloomTexture():

  • Soft knee is hardcoded instead of being configurable like in the Post Processing package.
  • Scatter is clamped between 0.05 and 0.95. Even if you set scatter to zero, you will still see a glow. This is why.