Blotchy Baked Lightmap

Hey Folks,

I’ve been bashing my head against this one for a little while now - I have a scene which incorporates 2 directional lights, 2 point lights and 2 spotlights. All lights are set to “Baked”, lightmap settings as per below. I’m also using the forward rendering pipeline, and have looked at the result on a variety of quality settings.

I’ve tried turning on or off realtime GI, and tweaking the resolution of the baked GI, and messing with the realtime resolution / indirect resolution will change the size of the blotches or spots visible in the screenshot below, with nothing actually casting a shadow on the objects in the scene, and with no difference between the object with / without the blotches, I’m left particularly confused as to what is going on. Any thoughts?

Try setting the light to Hard Shadows instead of Soft and see what happens.

gave that a shot, no difference unfortunately - thanks for the suggestion though!

I’m curious, are you using substances? I’ve seen other posts about this, but hadn’t experienced it myself until now. I have one mesh with some metal materials. I noticed this particular substance I was using would produce this strange pixelated pattern in the normal channel, very similar to the pattern spread across my mesh. And it’s only on that one mesh. I’ve replaced the material, but haven’t re-built my lightmaps yet (it’s a lengthy process). I’m interested to see if that fixes it.


Nope. No substances being used here, that pixel pattern does look very similar though.

Case 688709

Bump, any ideas here? Or any idea how long feedback on a pro version bug normally takes?

I’m a pro user and submitted a but a month ago. I never heard a thing after the initial confirmation email. Case number isn’t in the system either. They are probably getting thousands of bug reports.

In my case, I was using reflection probes and that particular mesh wasn’t reflection probe static. Verifying all meshes were eliminated the problem for me.

Looks very similar to the problem I was having with Point Lights. Please check out my work around here:

definitely a point light problem. removing the point lights from the scene fixes the issue. trying a few things that @Nullzero suggested, will see how it goes.

I had the same issue,

But after I had “generated Lightmap Uvs” at the mesh import settings for the specific meshes and made sure that my shader does not make use of the lightmap uv channel it fixed the pixelated dark sports.

Hi, it looks like your UVs are overlapping in lightmap space. The noisy pattern is the result of lighting from several triangles that get written into the same texels. Verify that you have good lightmap UVs.

I’d get Unity to generate new Lightmap UV’s, but that’s another bug that completely breaks the import process for assets, so I have it disabled on everything. Gotta love Unity 5 ;}

Did you file a bug report on the import process breakage?