I’m using the Locomotion system to drive the player characters animations.
I’m currently looking for a programmer to help me create a fully fledged game. I’m learning to script at an amateur level but I don’t want to try and do too much on my own at the expense of the quality of the game.
Let me know what you think
If any programmers are interested in possibly teaming up please send me an IM.
Hmmm… your not the first person that has said that. None of the assets are definitely final, in fact I’m thinking of changing from the terrain engine to premodelled meshes.
Yeah, the cracks in the rock are out of scale with your character and make things look odd.
And I’d say going with a static mesh, instead of terrain is probably a good idea. I don’t know of too many engines that optimize terrain rendering better than they optimize static mesh rendering.
So that totals to 8 walking directions and 8 running directions? Cool, that’s twice as much as I have ever tested with. Could you post a screenshot where the Blending Graph of the Locomotion System is enabled? I would appreciate that!
First off, great demo. I liked the jump suit effects.
I have a question, since you say you are “learning to script at an amateur level” then I would like to ask how easy/hard it was for you to get it to work in your project since I am probably around or below your level. I just got into scripting in Unity this week, however I have been doing Actionscript and some C# XNA programming for 2 years now so I know what im doing to an extent.
I have a few gaming concepts I would like to work on and implementing the locomotion system would be incredibly awesome.
Yep , there is already some camera components ready to tweak and to use
I know programming languages also, but having already some solid camera’s system ready to use : That’s what i like a lot in Unity.
I will definitely keep studying more scripting, so I think that after I have practiced enough during the course of next week, I will dive right into the Locomotion System. While its cool that there is no scripting required, I would like to eventually extend the scripting so that I can get a wider range of movements and motions. So lets see what happens there.