Bluetooth causes sound to disappear

Some of our users currently face the issue of losing sound completely when they have Bluetooth headphones connected and our app loses focus, like when an ad is displayed or the Home button is pressed.
The only way to “fix” the sound issue is to completely exit/stop the app and start it again.

As of right now, I’m not able to reproduce this issue on my end and this issue happens with Unity 2020LTS and 2021LTS.

Does anyone experienced something similar or have tips what we could try to resolve this?

Same issue here, Unity 2019.4.28f1. No solution found yet.

We’ve been getting similar report from users. So far unable to replicate locally. Unity 2020.3.45f1

Did any of you find solutions? Experiencing this on 2021

Similar issue on Unity 2022.3.19, also happens on local build

If someone comes to this thread again.

You can use this callback to reset audio configuration in your game when any sound device related is plugged in or out: Unity - Scripting API: AudioSettings.OnAudioConfigurationChanged